Immediately, with the right technique. That is, in front, baby in fetal position facing towards the bearer's chest.
The upright position will help the newborn to control gastric reflux, which is often very painful. Gradually and after a few weeks, you can start trying to make him sit with his legs apart.
Without ever trying. Every child reacts and grows differently.
In the kangaroo position, i.e. sitting, carrying can help prevent hip dysplasia. All children love contact with their mother or father's body, for them it is necessary. Even premature babies benefit enormously from babywearing, also called "baby bag therapy". So you can start from birth and continue up to 15kg and beyond. After around 18 months your baby carrier will become a pocket stroller, when the child is tired of walking and needs a "lift".

BAND and NEWBORNS: precautions
It is essential to ensure that the baby's head is well supported and that his neck is developed enough to support his weight. Usually, this happens around 2-4 months of life. Therefore, pay maximum attention in checking that the fabric of the sling can support the baby's head well. Almost all bands, especially elastic and/or semi-elastic ones, are ideal for newborns as the soft material is very delicate for the baby's skin, which can sometimes be subject to abrasions. MHUG has been designing the first bamboo band on the market for many years (for further information click here: https://mhug.it/pages/bamboo ).

The elastic or semi-elastic band, if made of soft material, such as bamboo jersey, is particularly suitable for premature babies, once the pediatrician's opinion has been consulted. The MHUG band is highly appreciated for this reason in various maternity departments, here you can find medical reviews about it:https://mhug.it/pages/quoting-medici . Among others, we highlight that of Prof. Marra, head of the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Moncalieri Hospital, an excellence in the care of premature babies, with whom MHUG has started a collaboration, introducing swaddling in the premature ward.
Does carrying in a sling or baby carrier hurt the parent's back? In these articles you will find suggestions and indications on how to prevent possible inconveniences:

- Check your baby frequently while he is in the sling to make sure he is comfortable and that his breathing is not hindered.
- Ergonomic position for parents: Make sure the baby sling is correctly worn by you so as to distribute the baby's weight evenly and not cause discomfort.
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