Wear in a sling after a cesarean section. Carrying with support is certainly possible and is encouraged where desired, respecting recovery times which are absolutely subjective. Wearing in a sling is the natural continuation of wearing skin-to-skin after birth and can help a lot: mother and baby will familiarize themselves more quickly from an emotional and psychological point of view, improving the quality of their life and that of those around them. Generally, in the 24 hours following surgery, you will be encouraged to try to get out of bed, then take your first steps. When you are well, you will be able to stand your baby up independently. If everything goes without complications, this usually happens within the first week. It is important to give yourself all the time you need, carrying your baby is a pleasure, not a duty! You will therefore fully enjoy this experience if you are physically and emotionally strong. Graduality and listening are the first suggestions.
After an initial skin-to-skin session lying on the bed, with or without a sling, you will be able to carry it into everyday life for as long as you both want. Don't rush and savor the initial moments of mutual knowledge and intimacy. Even if your instinct would be to take care of all your baby's needs yourself, get help. They will probably have prescribed you some medications, which is another reason to rest and not make any effort. There is no rule on when to start babywearing, and even more so after a cesarean section, other than listening to your body (and your pediatrician!).
How to carry after a cesarean section. The recommended support to wear after a caesarean section is the elastic band: its softness makes it respectful of the baby's delicate skin. The MHUG bamboo band is perfect: soft and delicate, it guarantees the correct support. Be careful to keep it well up and away from the wound, which must not be stressed in any way; the band, as a precaution, should be tied on your back. Recommended position: curled up (belly to belly), which guarantees the containment that the baby needs and continuity with the intra-uterine condition, in close contact with the mother's body, in loving intimacy.
Why contact after a cesarean section is important. A cesarean section is de facto a premature birth because it occurs ahead of time not only for the baby but also for the mother, who may not yet be ready. For some women the scar is not just physical, it is not enough to treat it with bandages and sutures. It can leave a deeper mark, and a woman in these cases also needs to be supported emotionally. Skin-to-skin contact, carrying your baby, supported or not by slings, is a hug that is good for both of you after any birth.
Excerpt from the book "Let yourself be hugged!" by Licia Negri, and Trevisini
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