There are several books that cover this topic in detail, providing practical instructions and useful information. One of the best-known books on the subject is "Let yourself be embraced" by Licia Negri.
A text published in 2015 ( https://www.milanotoday.it/eventi/presentazione-libro-licia-negri-milano-14-maggio.html ) and still relevant today.
This text is not a manual, it does not contain pre-cooked, "fast food" style answers, or those that give us quick but illusory reassurance.
It won't give you the recipe for the perfect parent, but it will introduce you to and recover a simple and ancient habit of taking care of your children: keeping them as close to you as possible, hugging them also thanks to the use of baby carriers.
The book addresses the different themes using a vast and proven scientific literature. Illustrations and detailed photographic sequences will accompany you in understanding the various supports and how to wear them.
The text is very rich, without ever appearing "heavy", and was appreciated not only by many parents, but also by the scientific community, here is what Dr Franco De Luca, highly esteemed paediatrician, trainer and evaluator tutor for UNICEF wrote of the Friends of Children Community and Hospital initiatives, President since 2003 of the Montessori Birth Center and author of the book "Children and Too Many Medicines" , who reviewed the text as follows:
" In the book Let yourself be hugged!, the Author has the merit of passionately inserting the practice of babywearing within a rigorous vision; the statements contained within are based on scientific evidence and supported by experts, in the various fields in which this practice moves (the relationship, breastfeeding, safety, instructions for use).
I believe that this book will be very useful not only to new parents but to all adults who deal with children, and I recommend it as a first read to young doctors who begin specializing in paediatrics, because they can learn to support the mother-child bond with respect and Empathy is often more therapeutic than a drug.
How is the book structured?
The first part , theoretical, explains with solid scientific foundations why embracing, in all its forms, brings benefits; for example, it is explained why carrying a baby not only improves physical development, but also strengthens the parent's self-confidence.
There are many insights, such as the origin of babywearing and the benefits of the much-known Kangaroo mother care, also known as pouch therapy, a practice born in Colombia at the end of the 70s and finally adopted in many hospitals, including Italian ones.
And again, the relationship between breastfeeding and carrying, the power of the hug in particular situations, such as children with special needs, postpartum depression, carrying while pregnant, carrying premature babies.
The in-depth study on safety is complete and authoritative, very dear to the author, who since 2012 has been a UNI delegate, as an Italian expert, in one of the groups of the Technical Body dedicated to safety in childcare, for which she participates in the discussion tables European work of CEN (European Committee for Standardization).
The second part , more practical, after having illustrated all the basics (when to bring, who can bring, the concrete benefits, etc.), and having answered many FAQs, resulting from a dialogue between the author and many parents interviewed (over 1300) , helps to understand which support is most suitable, specifying that there is no absolute best, but that the choice must be made with awareness, depending on the different needs of each parent.
Here are the details of the investigation https://www.emiliaromagnamamma.it/2014/10/mia-battaglia-per-rendere-sicuri-i-portabebe-licia-prima-investigation-babywearing/
The many photographic tutorials and various testimonials help to understand the baby carriers in circulation, especially in a current market where such a wide offer can be a little confusing.
Here you can find the review of Tutto Osteopatia, the portal created by specialists dedicated to osteopathy: https://www.tuttosteopatia.it/lasciati-abbracciare-il-nuovo-libro-sul-babywearing
Here ( https://www.giovanigenitori.it/lifestyle/portare-in-un-ombra/ ) you will find the review by Elena Brosio, of Giovani Genitori ( https://www.giovanigenitori.it )
Here's how a mother talks about it: https://www.chizzocute.it/lasciati-abbracciare-di-licia-negri-oltre-il-libro-piu-completo-sul-babywearing/
Ilaria Cinefra, founder of the Babywearing Italia school, writes about the book: http://www.babywearingitalia.it/lasciati-abbracciare/
Econote: https://www.econote.it/2015/09/24/lasciati-abbracciare-un-libro-che-racconta-il-babywearing/
Dr. Daniela Uslenghi, psychologist, psychotherapist and scientific director of the Hoffman Institute , which has been developing innovative methods for the training, evolution and empowerment of the person for over 20 years, comments on the book as follows:
"Reading Let yourself be hugged!, chapter after chapter, I felt transported into a space of warmth, closeness, love. The author managed to make her words "felt": through them, in fact, one slowly comes to feel embraced and pampered."
Finally, here is what the author writes to the question
What is a hug for you? Does being in close contact with your child spoil him?

In my experience, carrying was synonymous with hugging, a way of listening to my needs and those of Luca, my baby. Hugging each other helped us grow. When I talk about hugs I mean the real one; not the one touched upon, almost out of courtesy. The embrace that envelops, protects, and in which you can let yourself go. What you "breathe".
Licia Negri
About the author : https://www.macrolibrarsi.it/autori/_licia-negri.php
Where to buy it ? On Amazon and in bookstores.
Amazon Reviews : https://www.amazon.it/Lasciati-abbracciare-Babywearing-benefici-istruzioni/dp/8829222313/ref=sr_1_1?__mk_it_IT=ÅMÅŽÕÑ&crid=3PODNRL79FK3J&keywords=lasciati+abbracciare&qid=1695047316&sprefix=lascia hug you%2Caps%2C97&sr =8-1#customerReviews
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