The benefits of prolonged mother-baby contact are notable: practical, physical and above all psychological . For both.
The key words to best care for a newborn are: containment, warmth, movement and nourishment.
They are the only conditions he knows and which reassure him, having lived them for nine months safely in his mother's belly.
With an MHUG support it is possible to prolong these conditions once the baby is born, also allowing the mother to have her hands free to experience the many activities of daily life together.

Benefits for your baby (source Niguarda Hospital, Milan)
- The contact helps reduce colic and promotes good sleep , giving a sense of security.
- Contact brings greater well-being: bonding develops endorphins.
- Facilitates breastfeeding on demand.
- Your baby feels protected by your closeness , your smell and the sound of your voice.
- Carrying accompanies development in premature babies (kangaroo therapy).
- Stimulated and protected, your baby develops his autonomy in a natural way.
Furthermore, carrying helps to develop intelligence : by participating in your activities the baby observes the world, learns more, feels safe and relaxed .
The adult's movements stimulate his balance, which is very important in the phase in which he tries to stand upright.

Benefits for parents
- Promotes attachment (bonding) between parents and newborn.
- It helps develop a relationship of trust and interaction.
- Stairs, public transport and crowded areas are no longer a problem.
- Allows you to breastfeed discreetly anywhere.
- It protects your baby while you move freely without giving up your normal activities.
MHUG baby carriers are small and light. And ideal for practicing healthy and natural babywearing. At birth, perfect for the so-called skin-to-skin, "skin-to-skin" contact, the Bamboo Wrap is recommended, which with its softness respects the delicate epidermis of the baby.

Less crying, science says!
Several studies (listed in the book “Let yourself be hugged!”, published by Trevisini) maintain that the crying of newborns could be a genetic reaction to separation (and therefore not a whim!).
Prolonging contact with the parent's body would be enough to reduce the crying of one's babies by half!
A young child usually cries when his major needs are not met. In a baby carrier, a baby is satisfied and tends to relax .
Less direct pollution at Mum height!
Another benefit of looking at the world from the same height as you is avoiding a nice CO2 aerosol. Many times we observe exhaust pipes from motorbikes and cars too close to children's airways. If you live in a busy city, a baby carrier certainly won't be able to save you from car exhaust fumes, but consider that the most harmful pollution comes from the fine particles that settle on the asphalt due to the force of gravity and are raised by movement. of car wheels. In short, the further you keep babies from the ground, the better.

Resume everyday life

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