Recently, while looking through the archive, I found this article online (where nothing is destroyed...). Almost 10 years have passed, I still remember those moments and I still remember the enthusiasm of the parents who participated in the survey, in the end there were over 1300. It was 2014, and for then they were very significant numbers, a sign that the topic, at the time not covered at all, it was of great interest. almost 10 years later I want to thank all those who dedicated time and energy to guide what later became the book "let yourself be hugged!", later also used as a bibliographical reference for the Italian standard on baby carriers.
“My battle to make baby carriers safe”: Licia and the first investigation into babywearing
Licia, where did she come from?
“From the need to have a regulation that regulates baby carriers: when I found myself having to test my products, I realized that there is no specific regulation. There is only one European standard, which however regulates baby carriers, if by baby carriers we mean already shaped supports. For everything else, we are stumbling in the dark. I often see mothers who carry their babies in slings but without safety. This is worrying."
Babywearing, however, has spread in the meantime...
“Yes, even if not in a homogeneous way in Italy. There are areas where mothers who bring children are still seen as aliens. Fortunately, elsewhere, in Trentino for example, it has been understood that babywearing is good for you, that contact has benefits. In Rome, there are even two schools of carrying. A sign that it is a culture that is taking root."
Is this why you are collecting testimonies?
“Yes, in collaboration with Trevisini Editore I am carrying out a survey which aims to obtain reliable data on babywearing in our country and to collect, through an online questionnaire, the experiences of parents. In the spring all this will become a book. Beautiful testimonies are already arriving, it's difficult to hold back the tears. I am also satisfied with the numbers: over 750 people have responded so far. And the research continues."
Are mothers aware of the safety issue?
“Yes, it's not just a concern of mine as a technical expert who sits at the working table of the European Standardization Committee. Many mothers ask for information on how to actually use baby carriers. Evidently they do not receive adequate advice. In this, other European countries are ahead. I gave birth in Switzerland: there, upon discharge, I received an information booklet with various instructions for use. And it also said how to use the band."
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